30 Rock Season 1, Episode 12

October 7, 2009

4:30 pm Oct 7th 09

Episode name: Black Tie

Wow..Liz and Jack are going on a date. Once again, not expecting that.

Tracy bringing a party to Pete’s office was ridiculous.

Oh my word! The prince is deformed because of inbreeding! I hope Jack was making that up.

Jack dated Beyonce!

The prince likes Jenna just like she wanted!

“Mind your business son! He’s embracing his power!”- Tracy

Kenneth! How did he come through the air vent!

Liz definitely underestimated how Jack’s ex-wife would react.

The prince passed out! No, wait he’s dead!

I can’t believe his eyebrow fell off.

I was convinced Jack was going to kiss Liz!

Okay, this episode was hilarious! It was so original and fresh and both story lines were interesting and flowed excellently.  Pete realized he loved his wife while Jack learned that his ex-wife still cared whether he was happy or not.  The acting was great and Kenneth’s role never ceases to amaze me.  Their play on the angel and devil on your shoulder idea was great with Tracy and Kenneth sticking out of the air vents.  The scene that was amazing though was when Jack’s ex beat up Liz! She really broke a bottle against the wall!! And of course Jenna saying, “I think that was your eyebrow,” after something fell off the prince’s face.  Great episode. Definitely a 5.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 11

October 7, 2009

10:20 pm Oct 6th 09

This episode is called The Head and the Hair. Once again, one can only imagine what this episode is going to entail.  Before I begin watching it I would like to make some predictions.  Liz is going to do something dumb which will then somehow result in Jack’s intervention and the show will conclude with her being as hopeless and consumed by her job as before. Let’s see what happens.

I love that Liz’s goal is to work on her personal life which means getting a man.

Okay so Liz has a date. She is inevitably going to mess it up.

Ha! They have boxes of oxygen at the Soho bar!

Wow! I might be wrong! Liz and this guy, Grey, actually have stuff in common.

I am completely lost on Tracy’s biography story.

HA! They’re related!

Okay so this episode was funny but I really don’t like that nothing ever works for Liz when it comes to guys!  That guy ended up being her 3rd cousin. That sucks.  Tracy’s Christmas song was funny and he’s just a great actor.  I can’t give this episode more than a 4 though.  It seemed to zoom by, and it didn’t end very well.  I might just be looking for a different ending but personally I wasn’t a big fan.  Poor Liz Lemon.  Maybe on the last episode she will do something right!

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 10

October 5, 2009

6pm Oct 5th 09

This episode is called The Rural Juror.  I can’t really think of what it might be about which is why I think this show is so great.  It is unpredictable and keeps you interested the whole time.  I hope this episode holds my theory true and that it is funny.  It’s already got Jack in the first scene with roses on his desk.  This should be good.

I love the theme music! It’s so catchy and reminds me of Broadway somehow.

HAHAHA! The title of this episode is named after the movie Jenna is in! I knew it would make no sense.

“Hi, I’m Whoopi Goldberg, and you’re working out with Whoopi!”- Whoopi

“Animal blood makes the spine straight.”- dr. spaceman

Tracy Jordan’s infomercial is great! They’re definitely making fun of George Foreman.

This episode was great.  Whoopi was in it, which was hilarious, and they made fun of The View. What more could you ask for.  Jenna was obnoxious but that means she did a great job acting I suppose.  The crooked doctor is always great. He is definitely a drug pusher and very illegal.  I’m going to rate this episode a 5. It was funny and kept me interested the whole time.  There wasn’t as much social commentary as usual but it was great because of the randomness of the content and the conversations.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 9

October 4, 2009

5:20pm Oct 4th 2009

Ceri is engaged! That’s crazy.

Why is Jenna always trying to perform for everyone!

It’s hard to take Jack seriously with a bin of cheese balls in his hand.

His assistant Jonathan is crazy! He grabbed Liz’s arm.

You are a remarkable human being Kenneth.- Jack

Who is this woman that keeps dressing up like different people!

It’ s hilarious that Liz’s personal issues always somehow get into the office and everyone knows about them.  She should try and keep her private life private.

Ha! Liz took the baby all the way home!

She’s like Castro- Jack about his mom.

Kenneth’s mom sent him a skeleton dressed like a grandmother?

This episode was great.  Liz’s whole baby dilemma was funny and once again a social commentary.  People think they can’t have kids because that would be so expected of a woman but then women like Liz realize that they actually want kids.  It was a great play on that problem. I rate this episode a 4.  It was a good length but the side stories could have been funnier.  But the whole baby story made it great so it’s worthy of a 4.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 8

October 4, 2009

5pm Oct 4th 2009

The Break-Up

Black Fraiser! Two-fer is hilarious.

“I’m not wearing this dress, it’s prejudicial.”- Tracy

“Are you black?!” Tracy to Two-fer

“Mr. Jordan called me the n-word.”- Two-fer

I’m not sure how I felt about this episode.  It seemed very short and they didn’t finish the thought about black people using Two-fer and Tracy.  The best scene was probably  when Liz and Jenna went to Duvet, the bar, and Liz was just not socially savvy. It was a great way of showing why she’s stuck with a guy like Dennis.  I definitely wasn’t expecting Dennis to be on Dateline for dating an underaged girl but it was funny.  Jack’s whole thing with dating Condelezza Rice was great.  Tina Fey always does a great job of writing in political and social issues without sounding overbearing.  It was a decent episode.  I’m going to rate it a 3.  I felt like it could’ve flowed better and been a little more funny.  Hopefully the next episode will do a better job at this.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 7

September 29, 2009

10:30 pm Sept 28th, 2009

This episode is called Tracy Does Conan.  I’m hoping Conan is on the show because he is hilarious and that would only add to the show.  I’m also predicting that Lisa kicks Dennis out of her house because he’s going to do something crazy.  But let’s see what happens.

Tracy is going to be on Conan! I thought Conan would be on this show.

Once again, something I was not expecting at all- Last time Tracy was on Conan he gets up and says, “I am a stabbing robot, I will stab you!” And trys to stab Conan!!

Yes! Conan is on the show!

Tracy was on the ceiling! Okay, I was not expecting this at all.

“Who is this leader of men?! Hello handsome.”- Jack says this to Pete.  He;s making him wear a wig!

“Frankly, Ladonika, you have not been very helpful.”-Kenneth

They are force- feeding Tracy his pills! I think he’s going to attack Conan again.

Kenneth is so corny! He’s sitting on the set of Conan alone!

Okay, this episode was great.  Tracy was acting psychotic and the blue man he kept seeing was actually pretty scary.  I still don’t get why Lisa is still with that Dennis guy!  I have to rate this episode a 5 though because I was laughing the whole time.  Tina Fey also does a great job of writing everyone into the script each episode.  Each episode is always different yet the characters keep them connected.  I love that I can’t even predict correctly. It makes the show that much better.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 6

September 29, 2009

10pm Sept 28th 2009

Where did this man come from? Lisa has a boyfriend? This is going to be interesting.

“How was the sex?”- Jenna…ha! Was not expecting that.

“Lemon what tragedy happened in your life that makes you live in mediocracy.”- Jack’s lines are ridiculous and subtle but hilarious.

The picture of Tracy walking out of Starbucks with his dog was hilarious.

I knew he was going to do something crazy! He got tattoos on his face! I can’t even guess how this is going to end.  Tina Fey is a great writer. I like this episode so far.

“That’s right. He’s the rat king.”- Jack hahaha! The things this man says!

“First of all, I’m not from White-ville, I’m from White Haven.” -Lisa

The guys selling flashlights is great. How did they get there so fast after the blackout happened.

I liked this episode a lot except for the fact that Lisa didn’t break up with Dennis! He sells beepers! But besides that, I think this show can only get better because now we know all the characters pretty well and it makes them even funnier.  The spontaneity of the show is amazing and keeps it very interesting.  I’m going to rate this episode a 4 instead of a 5 because I didn’t like the ending.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 5

September 27, 2009

11:30 am Sept. 27th 2009

Jack makes a video to explain something to to writing team instead of just talking to them! He’s in the roo watching it with them! Product intergration= Then they do it in this show! Cerie- I only date guys who drink Snapple.

Jenna- He never reads the cue cards. I’m starting to think he can’t read! Ha ha

Lisa- She starts ranting about the education system because Tracy can’t read.  She makes fun of important issues but it works in this show.

Tina Fey uses satire phenomenally. Tracy with the reading.

Pete- First you think he’s illiterate and now you think he’s lazy. Now that’s racist.

Lisa- He used my white guilt which should only be used for good things like supporting Barack Obama. hahahhaha

Lisa- Don’t look into the camera. Then Jack looks right into tohe camera on this show.

Jenna does her whole Muffin Top song while the shows off the air.

This episode was definitely funny.  The racist jokes make the show great.  Lisa saying that Tracy played on her white guilt.  It’s so funny because I’m sure people feel like this.  I also loved the whole Snapple thing.  Tina Fey is a genius. The stuff they talk about in the show, she incorporates into the show.  Right after Lisa says she’s not going to compromise the integrity of the show by doing product integration, they do it in that scene with the Snapple bottles.  Also the pace was pretty good in this episode.  So I think I will rate this one a 5.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 4

September 27, 2009

11 am Sept. 27, 2009

You guys wanna have a 1 minute dance party? -Tina Fey

Her assistant looks more trashy every day!

Pete gets mad that she’s telling her assistant to wear some clothes. That’s so ridiculous.

Kenneth starts climbing the gate into the stadium!

Do ya’ll have a bathroom I can use? When I get nervous I ask a lot of questions. -Kenneth

The funniest part of this episode was when Lisa is walking back to her office after she let Cerie, her assistant dress her and wind is blowing in her hair and so 70’s music is playing.  It was priceless. This episode really differed from the other ones because there weren’t as many cultural criticisms as the previous episodes.  In the other ones, Tina Fey seemed to be making critiques on society but this one was just about Jack’s craziness and her under-dressed assistant.  But over all it wasn’t a very funny episode.  It was called Jack the Writer but Jack coming into the writing room wasn’t very funny.  I have to rate it a 3.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 3

September 23, 2009

09/22/09 @ 9:30 pm

Based on the last two episodes I’ve seen, I don’t think my opinion about the pace of the show is going to change much.  I might notice it more since I am blogging as the show is going on, but it still moves very quickly and requires a lot of attention.  But after watching two episodes I can also say that Tina Fey, as the writer, loves bringing up race and gender in her show.  It’s great because it’s not only relevant but she makes it the funniest parts of her show.  Cause let’s face it. Race and gender are our lives, we are either men or women, and belong to some racial class in this day and age.  So her playing off of these topics is always going to be relevant.

Lisa seems very angry in this episode already.

“Not even groped on the subway.”-Jack D.

Why do they have poker night at work?

Jack is all about the business.  He’s even playing poker to test his employees.

I think this date is going to end horrible. Lisa’s character seems to be meant to be alone.

Kenneth was underestimated in poker and he ended up winning.

I knew it! She was set up with a lesbian, but she isn’t a lesbian. He set her up because of her clothes! Ha!

Why does Jack have files on each employee.

Pete bet his wedding ring but had money left.

Maybe I was wrong! Lisa invites Gretchin to poker night.

“We’re just friends, like Oprah and Gale.”- Lisa Lemon

Oh no! Kenneth lost in poker!

But I was right! Lisa was alone again in the end.  It is just natural at this point.

Although this episode tried to make light of the lesbian part of it, Tina Fey still added in a question about why men think it’s so easy for women to become lesbians in her script.  I feel like she uses her humor to mix it with some view of certain topics like homosexuality in this episode.

I’m going to rate this episode a 4.  Once again, the speed was annoying but it also got dry in parts and was too predictable.  Otherwise, it was hilarious.  If I laugh outloud several times, it’s worthy of a 4.