My Top Twenty Movies of the Last Decade

December 9, 2009

Here’s my list of the top 20 movies of the decade. They’re not in order of best to worst and I gave a short reasoning for my choices next to each title.

1.Kill Bill Vols. 1 and 2- The cinematography

2.The Lord of the Rings Trilogy- The music and the way it followed to books pretty accurately

3.Shrek- The dialogue was very funny and the graphics were great

4.Wall-E- Great message and graphics

5.Up- Great graphics

6.The Dark Knight- The music and the plot made it great.

7.Gran Torino- Great plot and it was Clint Eastwood.

8.Slumdog Millionaire- Fantastic cinematography and great plot

9.Boy in the Striped Pajamas- Unexpected plot and interesting cinematography

10. Inglourious Basterds- great cinematography, especially in the first scene and the plot was great

11. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl- great plot and pretty original. Amazing soundtrack as well

12. Crash- compelling and great acting

13. Memoirs of a Geisha- great plot and acting

14. Enchanted- very original story line

15. Across the Universe- It was a new kind of musical. Very original

16. Amelie- great cinematography and interesting storyline

17. Bourne Identity- great action film

18. Count of Monte Cristo- suspenseful and acted well

19. Doubt- Meryl Streep was great.

20. Watchmen- great graphics and interesting plot

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 21 (The Finale)

October 26, 2009

Here it is! The last episode!  I have very high standards for closing episodes. They either have to lead into the next season amazingly or just be hilarious and the best episode of the whole season.  Let’s see what happens.

It’s called “Hiatus”.

They’re recapping the previous episode. That’s new.

Liz started freaking out at the doctor’s office.

It’s the season finale of TGS (The Girlie Show) also…good plan.

Kenneth knows where Tracy is.

Liz slapped Kenneth in the face!!! That was priceless.

So they’re on a wild goose chase finding Tracy. This should be good.

Jesse is Kenneth’s cousin.

Jack’s mom is here!

“You are a sassy old broad aren’t you.”- Liz to Jack’s mom.

Jack’s mom Colleen likes Liz.

“I can hear you. Just wanted to make sure you could hear you.”- Colleen to Pheobe

“She’s like a white geisha.”- Liz

Oh no! Is Jack having a heart attack?

I knew it! Jesse is going to act like that Stephen King movie where the lady is obsessed with that author!

Jack did have a heart attack!

Why is Dr. Spaceman everywhere!

“Tell him his mother loves him but not in a queer way.”- Colleen

“My mouth taste’s like purple.”- Jack

Why is Liz so violent?  She just threw Josh!

Kenneth threw himself down the stairs to get the ambulance to take Tracy to the show!

And I was right! Jack doesn’t love Pheobe.  He’s not getting married.

Okay, that was a pretty good finale. I loved that this season finale matched the one in the show for TGS.  I am going to rate this episode a 5.  Kenneth falling down the stairs on purpose and Jack’s mom made this episode great. I also loved the whole story line with Tracy and Kenneth’s cousin Jesse.  I was wrong about Liz though. She is still with Floyd.  Her character might not be meant to stay single.  I still don’t think it will last.  But I guess I would have to watch season 2 to find out.

Overall this was a great season. I loved the show for many reasons.  The writing was great and witty and the social commentary, as I’ve said before was really great and fit right in to the show.  My favorite episode was definitely the one when Jack’s ex-wife Bianca attacked Liz.  It was great.  The Source Awards episode was pretty funny as well with LL Cool J.  I truly think they did a great job with this show and I only disliked one episode.  That’s impressive.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 20

October 26, 2009

4:45pm 10/26/09


I have no idea why it’s called Cleveland.  Maybe Floyd is getting transferred?

Jack is telling Liz to have a girls day out with Pheobe.

“Imma have so much money, my grandkids are gonna play lacrosse.”- Tracy

“I would have a three-way with two Jacks.”- Jenna  “Okay you need to cool it.”- Liz

“What have I ever done to embarass black people?”- Tracy

“They’re out to destroy me! The black crusaders (as he looks into the camera)”- Tracy

Floyd is taking a vacation to Cleveland! Oh, he lived there before.

Some drunk guy just spit in Liz’s face while her mouth was open!

Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey and Gordon from Sesame Street are part of the black crusaders.

Is Jack narcoleptic?

Tracy is in Cleveland too!

Liz can’t move to Cleveland.  She’s not moving there. It’s Cleveland.

“You want to be Yoko?” – Liz to Pheobe

Jack thinks there are black crusaders too! Then he runs off! ha!

Why does Liz keep saying “blurge”?

They even ended the show with that word! How strange.

Okay Tracy’s fear of the black crusaders was the best part of this episode.  He was completely delusional and then Jack seemed to know about them as well.  I think this episode was way too caught up in Liz and Floyd’s relationship.  They could’ve shortened their whole dilemma about him moving.  Also, Pheobe is an annoying character.  I don’t think she’s a good actress and it seems out of character for Jack to be wanting to marry this girl.  I think the next episode will end with Jack single again and Liz being miserable as usual.  Tracy probably won’t be back till the end of the episode.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 19

October 26, 2009

10/26/09 4:15 pm

I just realized that it is almost the end of this season.  It might be too early to make predictions about the season finale but I can try anyway.  There will obviously be a lead in to  the next season.  It might even be a little longer.  I am going to project that it will be a review of the previous seasons.  They will look back at the several ridiculous things they’ve done throughout the season and make even more jokes about those things.  But this episode is going to continue with Floyd and Liz’s little love interest story line.  Let’s see what happens….

It’s called Corporate Crush.

As I suspected Liz is overly excited because of Floyd.

“If you try you win. And he was a hell of a garbage man.”- Don

Ha! Tracy wants to play all the parts in a movie about Thomas Jefferson.

Jack is stealing Floyd from Liz.

Ha! Jefferson the movie was ridiculous.

“How about some kind of a time share, you get him Friday.”- Jack

Jack just proposed to Pheobe, the curator!

Okay this episode was pretty funny.  Tracy playing Jefferson was great.  Liz dancing in her pajamas and trying to be sexy was funny too.  I wasn’t amazed and nothing ridiculously out of the ordinary happened so I have to rate it a 3.  I was not expecting Jack to get married but it wasn’t completely random.  I missed Jenna in this episode. I think she would’ve been a funny addition and Pete is always troubled which is entertaining as well.  The next episode is the second to last one so let’s see what happens with that one.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 18

October 25, 2009

5pm Oct 25th 09

The last episode was not funny at all.  I am hoping that this episode will make up for the dryness of the last one.  The title of this episode is “Fireworks”.  The first thing that came to my mind was Independence Day. Let’s see what happens.

So Tracy supposedly got some girl pregnant, and some guy named Devin is trying to take Jack’s job, or so he thinks.

Devin likes Kenneth. This should be good. No wait! He might just be using Kenneth too.

“You’re going down.”- Devin

“No, Devin, I don’t do that.”- Jack

I like how they use the theme music throughout the whole show. It makes it flow better.

The flower guy’s name is Floyd.

Two-fer’s relative fought for the Confederacy!

Tracy’s dreaming about being on Maury! And Jack is playing Thomas Jerfferson who is Tracy’s father!! That was crazy.

Woah! Floyd kissed Liz!

hahah! Jack did the fireworks around the Rockerfeller building!

Okay so this episode was pretty good.  The whole thing with Floyd actually worked out for Liz.  Tracy’s identity crisis was great.  The Maury scene was definitely the best part of the show. It was completely unexpected and hilarious.  Dr. Spaceman is always ridiculous, so that was funny.  He did Tracy’s DNA test.  Devin was funny and Kenneth’s seduction scene was funny too.  He definitely had mascara on.  The only political thing mentioned was when Liz was confessing to Floyd and said that she  would tell everyone she was voting for Barack Obama and secretly vote for John McCain.  That was interesting because it gave me a reference point of the time this episode was airing.  In fact I didn’t even know that this show is now on it’s fourth season.  I am going to rate this episode a 4.  It was dry at spots but definitely had some great and hilarious scenes.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 17

October 25, 2009

4:40pm Oct 25th 09

“The Fighting Irish”

Why do they have a fitness center at NBC?

“I pretty much do what Oprah tells me.”- Liz

Oh! It’s called “The Fighting Irish” cause Jack and his brother Eddy were fighting.

“We haven’t been Presbyterian for months!”- Kenneth

This episode is moving slow.

Liz is going to fire her crushes girlfriend? I feel like this is going to backfire on her.

She did it! She fired her!

“I’m gonna go talk to some food about this.”- Liz

So the other Liz got transferred.

“There’s always the crushing guilt.”- Jack

I simply did not find this episode funny.  Maybe it was because I didn’t get all the jokes about the Irish but I hardly laughed and it was slow.  Tracy was trying to find another religion for some reason but that wasn’t very funny.  Liz’s whole power trip with firing people was not funny either.  Maybe they just had an off day with ideas for this show.  Kenneth wasn’t even very entertaining either.  One thing that was consistent was that something got screwed up for Liz in the end. Pete jumped into the elevator where Liz and the flower guy she liked were, and made it sound like they were having an affair since Pete is married.  It happened in the last 30 seconds of the show though, and it wasn’t very funny.  Hopefully the next episode will redeem this one.  I have to rate this episode a 1. There was really nothing good about it at all.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 16

October 25, 2009

8:45pm Oct 24th 09

“The Source Awards”

Just from the title I am going to assume that this episode is going to involve The Source Awards.  Tracy is probably getting an award for something or maybe they’ll throw in a twist and Jack will be getting something. Who knows. Oh and The Source is a hip-hop magazine.  Let’s see what happens.

Wayne Brady is in this episode! Or maybe that was just a quick appearance.

“A Black?! That is offensive.”- Liz

“No, his name is Stephen Black.”- Jack

LL Cool J is playing some guy named Ridiculous!

This is a strange episode.

“Race is a huge issue in this country according to Newsweek Magazine.”- Jenna

Jack is pushing his wine as the new Crystal.

“Okay, Jack I’ll go get my rhyming book.” – Ghostface

“Fear, denial, horniness, and now depression.”- Tracy on the stages of greif. haha

“The manitee has become the mento.”- Tracy

“What would I doo-OO?!”- Tracy says this while is dressed as Oprah

“Well I have got your nose!”- Kenneth

Liz shot Stephen is the butt!!! I was not expecting that at all!!

This episode was great.  Really hilarious.  LL Cool J and Wayne Brady made appearances and the whole play on racism was great.  When they were in the restaurant and everyone turned around and gasped when Stephen said Liz didn’t like him because he was black. That was great.  I definitely am going to rate this episode a 5. Tracy as Oprah was just priceless.  He talked the way she does on the show and everything. Can’t wait to see the next one.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 15

October 25, 2009

8pm Oct 24th 09

“Hard Ball”

“Negotiation, the essence of capitalism.”- Jack

“I have been looking for someone to harmonize with me.”- Tracy

“Did I come across as interesting. I tried to mention Bono as many times as possible.”- Jenna

Why does his agent keep abbreviating words when he talks!? “Awes” for awesome?

“That’s why I’m voting for Osama in 2008!”- Jenna

“Lemon what happened in your childhood that made you think that people are good?”- Jack

“Just because I think gay people should able to adopt kids and we should all have hybrids doesn’t mean I don’t love America.”- Lemon (Then she looked and winked at the camera! HahaHa

Tracy’s  bodyguards come and save him while Tracy sings Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” from the movie the Bodyguard.

This episode was great.  Once again, the commentary on American life and politics was priceless.  The conservative protestors were funny and Jenna’s ignorance was hilarious.  Even when they tried to fix her ridiculous comments it just got worse.  Their skit with Jenna being patriotic ended with Swastikas lighting up instead of spinning pinwheels by accident.  It was an original episode and it was definitely true to the characters.  I also just love how this show’s dialogue is sometimes absurd and other times it is a great commentary.  For example, at the end when Liz is talking about gay couples adopting children and hybrids and then she looks into the camera and winks.

The other story line with Tracy was pretty good.  It was definitely true to his character in the show.  Kenneth innocently made Tracy realize that his bodyguards let him win at things and treat him like a child.

I am going to rate this episode a 5.  I was definitely laughing the whole time and it continued developing the characters in the same way which is good and creates some continuity for the viewers. Let’s see how the next one delivers.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 14

October 7, 2009

5:15 pm Oct 7th 09

The “C” Word

Why does Jack have a painting of his boss!? haha

Why is Frank in the credits!! He’s not that big of a character, at least I didn’t think so.

Ha! Liz threw a phone at the cleaning ladies head by accident.

“If you’re worried about disgracing NBC, you’re too late.”- Pete

This story line is weird…Lutz is mad at Liz? I don’t know how well it’s going to go.

“I’m delightful.”- Tracy

Cunt was the C-word! I knew I wouldn’t be able to guess it.

I had a feeling Tracy was going to ask why there are no black people there.

Jack wanted Tracy to be the funny black man. – social commentary

“This is what I do, I drop truth bombs.”- Tracy Jordan

I bet you Tracy made up that story about his daughter.

I knew it! He doesn’t even have a daughter.

“I’m not just feminine. I also can project my power.” -Liz

This episode turned out to be funnier than I thought.  Liz’s whole issue turned into a question of what women are capable of, and in her case she had to step up and be a boss.  Tracy’s whole thing with being the only black guy was great but I felt like the conclusion was weak.  He just decided to say hey, that’s the way it is and then try and milk the system for all he could get, like when he lied about having a daughter with diabetes.  I thought that was out of character for him.  Maybe I just wanted it to end differently.  So I’m going to rate this episode a 4 since it turned out to be good but I expected it to be pretty bad.  Once again, Tina Fey’s social commentaries are what make the show great.

30 Rock Season 1, Episode 13

October 7, 2009

4:50pm Oct 7th 09

His ex-wife is coming! This should be great.

Liz crawling out of the room and then saying, “this would work on Ugly Betty/” was great!

It’s Valentine’s Day.

Ceri- “I really disagree with the church’s stance on Cyprus.” I had a feeling that she would have a brain eventually.

Vagina Day!! Ha! Jenna is crazy.

HA! Jack is going mad.  He found some dirty chick off the street to sleep with!

Why did Liz really go help Jack?

This episode was just weird.  Of course Liz’s flowers weren’t from anyone actually interested in her. They were sent by mistake.  I really hope the last episode is positive for her.  That poor thing.  It’d be one thing if she didn’t care but she definitely seems to want a boyfriend or husband for that matter.  Anyway, Jack’s whole thing with his ex was weird. It was a little too long and didn’t have any real conclusion. I’m sure she’ll be in future episodes.  I have to rate this episode a 3. It wasn’t that great and I got bored at parts.  Maybe they tried to hard with the Valentine’s thing.  The best part would have to be Jack’s prostitute though.  It was that lady who always dresses as a different character in each episode.  I should find out the actresses name. Maybe next time.