30 Rock Season 1, Episode 21 (The Finale)

Here it is! The last episode!  I have very high standards for closing episodes. They either have to lead into the next season amazingly or just be hilarious and the best episode of the whole season.  Let’s see what happens.

It’s called “Hiatus”.

They’re recapping the previous episode. That’s new.

Liz started freaking out at the doctor’s office.

It’s the season finale of TGS (The Girlie Show) also…good plan.

Kenneth knows where Tracy is.

Liz slapped Kenneth in the face!!! That was priceless.

So they’re on a wild goose chase finding Tracy. This should be good.

Jesse is Kenneth’s cousin.

Jack’s mom is here!

“You are a sassy old broad aren’t you.”- Liz to Jack’s mom.

Jack’s mom Colleen likes Liz.

“I can hear you. Just wanted to make sure you could hear you.”- Colleen to Pheobe

“She’s like a white geisha.”- Liz

Oh no! Is Jack having a heart attack?

I knew it! Jesse is going to act like that Stephen King movie where the lady is obsessed with that author!

Jack did have a heart attack!

Why is Dr. Spaceman everywhere!

“Tell him his mother loves him but not in a queer way.”- Colleen

“My mouth taste’s like purple.”- Jack

Why is Liz so violent?  She just threw Josh!

Kenneth threw himself down the stairs to get the ambulance to take Tracy to the show!

And I was right! Jack doesn’t love Pheobe.  He’s not getting married.

Okay, that was a pretty good finale. I loved that this season finale matched the one in the show for TGS.  I am going to rate this episode a 5.  Kenneth falling down the stairs on purpose and Jack’s mom made this episode great. I also loved the whole story line with Tracy and Kenneth’s cousin Jesse.  I was wrong about Liz though. She is still with Floyd.  Her character might not be meant to stay single.  I still don’t think it will last.  But I guess I would have to watch season 2 to find out.

Overall this was a great season. I loved the show for many reasons.  The writing was great and witty and the social commentary, as I’ve said before was really great and fit right in to the show.  My favorite episode was definitely the one when Jack’s ex-wife Bianca attacked Liz.  It was great.  The Source Awards episode was pretty funny as well with LL Cool J.  I truly think they did a great job with this show and I only disliked one episode.  That’s impressive.

One Response to “30 Rock Season 1, Episode 21 (The Finale)”

  1. Lee Says:

    I like how you discuss the subplot in this episode, “I also loved the whole story line with Tracy and Kenneth’s cousin Jesse”. You also do a nice job discussing the episodes you liked best, “My favorite episode was definitely the one when Jack’s ex-wife Bianca attacked Liz”. It would be nice to see you take this a step further by analyzing why that episode was your favorite. What did it have that other episodes didn’t?

    Overall, nice work! You get a B+ for this section. I look forward to reading your paper.

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