30 Rock Season 1, Episode 20

4:45pm 10/26/09


I have no idea why it’s called Cleveland.  Maybe Floyd is getting transferred?

Jack is telling Liz to have a girls day out with Pheobe.

“Imma have so much money, my grandkids are gonna play lacrosse.”- Tracy

“I would have a three-way with two Jacks.”- Jenna  “Okay you need to cool it.”- Liz

“What have I ever done to embarass black people?”- Tracy

“They’re out to destroy me! The black crusaders (as he looks into the camera)”- Tracy

Floyd is taking a vacation to Cleveland! Oh, he lived there before.

Some drunk guy just spit in Liz’s face while her mouth was open!

Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey and Gordon from Sesame Street are part of the black crusaders.

Is Jack narcoleptic?

Tracy is in Cleveland too!

Liz can’t move to Cleveland.  She’s not moving there. It’s Cleveland.

“You want to be Yoko?” – Liz to Pheobe

Jack thinks there are black crusaders too! Then he runs off! ha!

Why does Liz keep saying “blurge”?

They even ended the show with that word! How strange.

Okay Tracy’s fear of the black crusaders was the best part of this episode.  He was completely delusional and then Jack seemed to know about them as well.  I think this episode was way too caught up in Liz and Floyd’s relationship.  They could’ve shortened their whole dilemma about him moving.  Also, Pheobe is an annoying character.  I don’t think she’s a good actress and it seems out of character for Jack to be wanting to marry this girl.  I think the next episode will end with Jack single again and Liz being miserable as usual.  Tracy probably won’t be back till the end of the episode.

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