30 Rock Season 1, Episode 17

4:40pm Oct 25th 09

“The Fighting Irish”

Why do they have a fitness center at NBC?

“I pretty much do what Oprah tells me.”- Liz

Oh! It’s called “The Fighting Irish” cause Jack and his brother Eddy were fighting.

“We haven’t been Presbyterian for months!”- Kenneth

This episode is moving slow.

Liz is going to fire her crushes girlfriend? I feel like this is going to backfire on her.

She did it! She fired her!

“I’m gonna go talk to some food about this.”- Liz

So the other Liz got transferred.

“There’s always the crushing guilt.”- Jack

I simply did not find this episode funny.  Maybe it was because I didn’t get all the jokes about the Irish but I hardly laughed and it was slow.  Tracy was trying to find another religion for some reason but that wasn’t very funny.  Liz’s whole power trip with firing people was not funny either.  Maybe they just had an off day with ideas for this show.  Kenneth wasn’t even very entertaining either.  One thing that was consistent was that something got screwed up for Liz in the end. Pete jumped into the elevator where Liz and the flower guy she liked were, and made it sound like they were having an affair since Pete is married.  It happened in the last 30 seconds of the show though, and it wasn’t very funny.  Hopefully the next episode will redeem this one.  I have to rate this episode a 1. There was really nothing good about it at all.

One Response to “30 Rock Season 1, Episode 17”

  1. Lee Says:

    You do a nice job discussing the title of this episode, “It’s called “The Fighting Irish” cause Jack and his brother Eddy were fighting”. It would be nice if you analyzed exactly what about this episode made it less entertaining than others. Why didn’t you find Tracy’s search for a new religion funny? I also like how you related this episode to the show’s recurring theme “One thing that was consistent was that something got screwed up for Liz in the end”.

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