30 Rock Season 1, Episode 15

8pm Oct 24th 09

“Hard Ball”

“Negotiation, the essence of capitalism.”- Jack

“I have been looking for someone to harmonize with me.”- Tracy

“Did I come across as interesting. I tried to mention Bono as many times as possible.”- Jenna

Why does his agent keep abbreviating words when he talks!? “Awes” for awesome?

“That’s why I’m voting for Osama in 2008!”- Jenna

“Lemon what happened in your childhood that made you think that people are good?”- Jack

“Just because I think gay people should able to adopt kids and we should all have hybrids doesn’t mean I don’t love America.”- Lemon (Then she looked and winked at the camera! HahaHa

Tracy’s  bodyguards come and save him while Tracy sings Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” from the movie the Bodyguard.

This episode was great.  Once again, the commentary on American life and politics was priceless.  The conservative protestors were funny and Jenna’s ignorance was hilarious.  Even when they tried to fix her ridiculous comments it just got worse.  Their skit with Jenna being patriotic ended with Swastikas lighting up instead of spinning pinwheels by accident.  It was an original episode and it was definitely true to the characters.  I also just love how this show’s dialogue is sometimes absurd and other times it is a great commentary.  For example, at the end when Liz is talking about gay couples adopting children and hybrids and then she looks into the camera and winks.

The other story line with Tracy was pretty good.  It was definitely true to his character in the show.  Kenneth innocently made Tracy realize that his bodyguards let him win at things and treat him like a child.

I am going to rate this episode a 5.  I was definitely laughing the whole time and it continued developing the characters in the same way which is good and creates some continuity for the viewers. Let’s see how the next one delivers.

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