30 Rock Season 1, Episode 13

4:50pm Oct 7th 09

His ex-wife is coming! This should be great.

Liz crawling out of the room and then saying, “this would work on Ugly Betty/” was great!

It’s Valentine’s Day.

Ceri- “I really disagree with the church’s stance on Cyprus.” I had a feeling that she would have a brain eventually.

Vagina Day!! Ha! Jenna is crazy.

HA! Jack is going mad.  He found some dirty chick off the street to sleep with!

Why did Liz really go help Jack?

This episode was just weird.  Of course Liz’s flowers weren’t from anyone actually interested in her. They were sent by mistake.  I really hope the last episode is positive for her.  That poor thing.  It’d be one thing if she didn’t care but she definitely seems to want a boyfriend or husband for that matter.  Anyway, Jack’s whole thing with his ex was weird. It was a little too long and didn’t have any real conclusion. I’m sure she’ll be in future episodes.  I have to rate this episode a 3. It wasn’t that great and I got bored at parts.  Maybe they tried to hard with the Valentine’s thing.  The best part would have to be Jack’s prostitute though.  It was that lady who always dresses as a different character in each episode.  I should find out the actresses name. Maybe next time.

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