30 Rock Season 1, Episode 3

09/22/09 @ 9:30 pm

Based on the last two episodes I’ve seen, I don’t think my opinion about the pace of the show is going to change much.  I might notice it more since I am blogging as the show is going on, but it still moves very quickly and requires a lot of attention.  But after watching two episodes I can also say that Tina Fey, as the writer, loves bringing up race and gender in her show.  It’s great because it’s not only relevant but she makes it the funniest parts of her show.  Cause let’s face it. Race and gender are our lives, we are either men or women, and belong to some racial class in this day and age.  So her playing off of these topics is always going to be relevant.

Lisa seems very angry in this episode already.

“Not even groped on the subway.”-Jack D.

Why do they have poker night at work?

Jack is all about the business.  He’s even playing poker to test his employees.

I think this date is going to end horrible. Lisa’s character seems to be meant to be alone.

Kenneth was underestimated in poker and he ended up winning.

I knew it! She was set up with a lesbian, but she isn’t a lesbian. He set her up because of her clothes! Ha!

Why does Jack have files on each employee.

Pete bet his wedding ring but had money left.

Maybe I was wrong! Lisa invites Gretchin to poker night.

“We’re just friends, like Oprah and Gale.”- Lisa Lemon

Oh no! Kenneth lost in poker!

But I was right! Lisa was alone again in the end.  It is just natural at this point.

Although this episode tried to make light of the lesbian part of it, Tina Fey still added in a question about why men think it’s so easy for women to become lesbians in her script.  I feel like she uses her humor to mix it with some view of certain topics like homosexuality in this episode.

I’m going to rate this episode a 4.  Once again, the speed was annoying but it also got dry in parts and was too predictable.  Otherwise, it was hilarious.  If I laugh outloud several times, it’s worthy of a 4.

One Response to “30 Rock Season 1, Episode 3”

  1. Lee Says:

    The way that you blog throughout the show successfully captures your initial reaction to key moments in this episode (“I think this date is going to end horrible. Lisa’s character seems to be meant to be alone”). I would like to see you expand upon some of your thoughts. For example, discussing a specific moment in which “30 Rock” brings up race in a funny way would really add a nice element to your final paper. You also do a great job of picking entertaining quotes to include in your blog (“We’re just friends, like Oprah and Gale”). Nice work.

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